
ODA seminar by Jacob Sherson

Corporate generative AI transformation cases

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Onsdag 21. februar 2024,  kl. 12:00 - 13:00




ODA section, MGMT

In this combined talk and workshop, I will introduce the concept of hybrid intelligence as a methodology for both developing human-centered generative AI applications like virtual assistants as well as for planning and executing an organizational transformation in which every employee becomes a source of AI-value innovation irrespective of their IT-skills. I will present concrete cases from our partner companies ranging from companies with data from 100mio end-users to SMEs looking to incorporate off the shelf genAI tools into their workflows. Based on my extensive executive education activities over the past year, I will give concrete examples of hands-on activities (including training on prompt engineering and chatbots) and strategic considerations (balancing i) no-code development ii) hybrid intelligence change management and iii) strategic planning and communication). The talk will present our hybrid intelligence research and development efforts but also extend an open invitation for collaboration with all branches of researchers in the section and at the MGMT department in general.